A journey of comfort and celebration for
Lives Well Lived
Bereavement Services
We offer grief and bereavement support for families and individuals, including children and youth.
Support Victoria Hospice
Generous donors make compassionate care possible. Join our circle of support.
Quality End-of-Life Care for All
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for people facing life-limiting illness, death and bereavement through patient and family-centred care, education, research and advocacy.
News and Updates
Remembering Ron Rubin: A Triplet Whose Legacy is Love and Laughter
As they grew older, their fame faded, but their bond remained unbreakable.
Chuck Salmon walks in memory
Grief, as Chuck knows, doesn’t end with a goodbye. For Chuck, the annual Hike for Hospice is a help.
Why I like visiting hospice, by Brio
A day in the life of Brio, a Victoria Hospice therapy dog
Upcoming Events
VIctoria Hospice is honoured to be a charity of choice for the Inspiration Festival, a one-of-a-kind event designed to ignite motivation, spark personal and professional growth, and share life-changing ideas
Join Victoria Hospice for a social gathering to connect with others in bereavement and talk about grief
The group is open to any adult who is the primary caregiver for a grieving child or youth, including parents, extended family, foster parents, or other guardians.
Join Victoria Hospice for a social gathering to connect with others in bereavement and talk about grief
Join Victoria Hospice for an interactive workshop on the basics of grief and mourning.
Win big while supporting compassionate care at Victoria Hospice! Tickets are now on sale for the 2025 Victoria Hospice Spring 50/50 raffle.
“Although the time my mother spent under your care was brief, the difference you made is tremendous. Thank you for the care you provided her, and for the honest guidance you provided my family.”The Shier Family
“Victoria Hospice is a beacon of light for patients, families and the general public in what could otherwise be a dark and treacherous journey.”D. Hutchings, CNS, End of Life Care
“Our family cannot thank you enough for the care you gave to our father. His final days were spent pain-free. He was at peace. We also thank you for the counselling our family received and for all the volunteers who so kindly devoted their time and assistance to Dad and our family. Bless you all.”The Bray Family
“Although the time my mother spent under your care was brief, the difference you made is tremendous. Thank you for the care you provided her, and for the honest guidance you provided my family.”The Shier Family
“Victoria Hospice is a beacon of light for patients, families and the general public in what could otherwise be a dark and treacherous journey.”D. Hutchings, CNS, End of Life Care
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