Winnipeg Lawyers: Legal Professionalism at Pollock & Company
Dedicated to Empowering Our Clients and Providing them with a Voice.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Pollock & Company Winnipeg lawyers has a long history of successfully representing people who have undergone injury or trauma due to clinical or health care negligence or wrongful death due to negligence of a medical provider.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Should you suffer an injury or slip and fall due to negligence caused by a business or another individual – and wish to take legal action – the legal team at Pollock & Company is here to assist you in achieving the best result.

Criminal Law Lawyers
Criminal law involves being charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Our Winnipeg lawyers will assist you with understanding the legal process, vigorously defend your case, and look to achieve the best outcome possible.
Initial Free Lawyer Consultation Request
Difference between notary public and commissioner of oaths
Compensation for Wrongful Death